
8 November 2012 by
Editorial team

Read the topics in the left-hand column, and then circle the choice that best describes you from the right-hand columns.

{module [198]}

If you feel that you have characteristics from more than one section, feel free to circle both. base your answers according to your total life experiences, and not just how you feel these past few weeks, months or year. Then add up each column and mark the total number of qualities you have ascribed to under each of the three sections. 


Physical Traits





Body Frame





Finger Nails

cracking or thin

pink/soft, medium

wide, white, thick

Resting Pulse (before 10AM & before meal)






low or bony

medium or muscular

gains easily


Stool/bowel movements

small, hard, or gas 

loose or burns

moderate or solid

 Forehead size






strong or sharp

constant or low


small or unsteady

reddish or focused

wide or white


low or weak

high or sharp

slow or silent


cracking, thin, dry

medium or soft 

large or smooth

 Which bothers you most?

cold and dry

heat and sun

cold and damp

Body Totals





Mental Traits


nervous or fearful

irritable or impatient

easy going


quick or talkative

moderate or argues

slow or silent






travel or nature

sports or politics

water or flowers



quickly grasp, soon forgets

sharp or clear

slow to learn; never forget



radical or changing

leader or goal oriented

loyal or constant



flying or anxious

fighting or in color

few or romantic



enthusiastic or worries

warm or angry

calm or attached



quick or adaptable

penetrating or critical

slow or lethargic

 Mind Totals





The knowledge consists of three aspects known as the Tri-Sutras of ayurveda, which are - etiology or the science of the causes of disease, symptomatology or the study and interpretation of symptoms and medication and herbal remedies.

Vyaadhi, or disease in Ayurveda is due to an imbalance of three fundamental elements of the body.

These are Vata, Pitta and Kapha

The entire universe is made up of Panchmahabhootas, or great "elements". (Which are not material in the usual sense of the term, and are types of energy.) For identifying them they are called

Akaasa ( space)

Vaayu ( air )

Agni (fire )

Ap ( water )

Prithvi( earth )

Panchmahabhootas are omnipresent; they are mixed in an infinite variety of relative proportions such that each form of matter is distinctly unique. Although each element has a range of attributes, only some get evident in particular situations. Constantly changing and interacting with each other, they create a situation of dynamic flux that keeps the world going.

Just as in nature, we too have these five elements in us. When any of these elements are present in the environment, they will in turn have an influence on us. While we are a composite of these five primary elements, certain elements are seen to have an ability to combine to create various physiological functions.

Within a simple, single living cell for example the earth element predominates by giving structure to the cell. The water element is present in the cytoplasm or the liquid within the cell membrane. The fire element regulates the metabolic processes regulating the cell. While the air element dominates the gases therein. The space occupied by the cell denoting the last of the elements.

The Panchmahabhootas therefore serve as the foundation of all diagnosis & treatment modalities in Ayurveda and has served as a most valuable theory for physicians to detect and treat illness of the body and mind successfully.


VAATA: Human bodies are mainly made of Akasa, Vaayu with a little of Agni, Ap and Prithvi. Vaata is what allows one to interact with the environment. Briefly, vaata tramsmits sense impresions to the mind and responses to various parts of the body and maintains the integrity of the

body and proper functioning of its various constituent elements. The sensory organs of touch and sound depend on vaata the Dhaatus and Malas (tissue material and waste matter) are transported by vaata. It stimulates Agni and produces joy. It forms the embryo in the womb into particular shapes It is the evidence of life .


PITTA: Is the primary constituent of the living body whose structure is Agni ( "luminous light"). Its function is balancing and transformative. Its functions in particular are -- vision, digestion, production of heat, Hunger, thirst, softness and suppleness of body, lustre, cheerfullness and intelligence.


KAPHA: Is one of the primary constituents of body, having "water" and "earth" as elements. Function of Kapha is conserving and stabilising. Kapha is what is responsible for growth, adding structure unit by unit. Another function of the Kapha dosha is to offer protection. Cerebral-spinal fluid protects the brain and spinal column and is a type of Kapha found in the body. Also, the mucousal lining of the stomach is another example of the Kapha dosha protecting the tissues. It organises the tissues (into their microscopic and macroscopic form).

We are all made up of unique proportions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.



Why know your dosha?

To know the doshas means to understand you. Knowledge of your main dosha type can give you vital clues on what to eat and how to live to stay healthy and happy. The science of the doshas honours your individuality, it will help you support your true nature, better understand your children, and partners and reveal simple lifestyle measures that can keep you and your family running harmoniously.

Ayurveda gives you the power to understand these interactions and keep yourself feeling balanced, healthy and calm.


The Self-test, and all materials contained in this website are for educational purposes only; it is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe. Contact a duly licensed health care professional for medical concerns.


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