Gradual Ascent of the Mind: Achieving Samadhi and Realizing the Supreme Self or Brahman

14 October 2007 by
Gradual Ascent of the Mind: Achieving Samadhi and Realizing the Supreme Self or Brahman
Holistic Care

The Chakras: Centers of Vital Force

The Chakras are centers of Shakti as vital force, essential for the flow of Pranashakti (life energy) manifested by Pranavayu in the living body. These centers, although not perceptible to the gross senses, are pivotal in organizing the living organism. Upon death, they disappear with the disintegration of the body.

Key Points about Chakras:

  • Centers of Vital Energy: Chakras are centers of vital force in the body.
  • Manifestation of Universal Consciousness: Each Chakra has a presiding Devata representing Universal Consciousness.
  • Invisibility: They are not visible to the gross senses.

Purity of Mind and Perfection in Yoga

Purity of mind is essential for achieving perfection in Yoga. To purify your mind, follow these guidelines:

  • Regulate Your Conduct: Be mindful of your actions and interactions.
  • Avoid Jealousy: Do not harbor feelings of jealousy towards others.
  • Be Compassionate: Show compassion and kindness to everyone, including sinners.
  • Kindness to All: Make kindness a fundamental aspect of your character.

"Success in Yoga will be rapid if you put your maximum energy into your practice."

Essential Practices for Yoga Success:

  • Keen Longing for Liberation: Cultivate a deep desire for liberation.
  • Intense Vairagya: Develop strong detachment from worldly desires.
  • Sincerity and Earnestness: Be sincere and earnest in your practice.
  • Constant Meditation: Engage in intense and constant meditation to enter Samadhi.

Journey Through the Chakras

The mind's journey through the Chakras signifies its purification and ascent to higher states of consciousness:

  1. Muladhara and Svadhishthana Chakras:
    • Location: Near the anus and reproductive organ.
    • State: Worldly desires and passions dominate.
  2. Manipura Chakra:
    • Location: Navel.
    • Experience: Some power and joy as the mind becomes more purified.
  3. Anahata Chakra:
    • Location: Heart.
    • Experience: Bliss and visualization of the Ishta Devata (tutelary deity).
  4. Visuddha Chakra:
    • Location: Throat.
    • Experience: Increased powers and bliss with further purification.

Higher States of Consciousness

  • Ajna Chakra:
    • Location: Between the eyebrows.
    • Achievement: Attainment of Samadhi and realization of the Supreme Self or Brahman. A slight sense of separateness from Brahman remains.
  • Sahasrara Chakra:
    • Location: Brain, represented by the thousand-petalled lotus.
    • Achievement: Attainment of Nirvikalpa Samadhi (superconscious state) and unity with the non-dual Brahman, where all sense of separateness dissolves. This is the highest plane of consciousness, or Supreme Asamprajnata Samadhi. Here, Kundalini unites with Siva.

The Yogi's Return

Even after reaching the highest state, a Yogi may descend to the throat center to impart knowledge and perform Lokasamgraha (welfare of the world).

Conclusion: Mastering the Chakras is a transformative journey that leads to the highest state of consciousness, where the Yogi becomes one with the non-dual Brahman, achieving ultimate liberation and peace.

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