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Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:16 am
by bhawna91
Namaste, :F0
Firstly,i want to request you all that i want every person [lightworker's] opinion in this Today,i want to discuss about the most delicate or you can say important thing about fear's here...? Iknow some people must be thinking i am saying foolish thing's..but,just a moment,
i feel that this post would be an very informative and helpfull to many people..
Iknow well that
STEVE jii (Gurujii) :F0,
Chandresh jii :F0,
Pradeep jii :F0,
Akash247 jii :F0,
these are the few people here and they will provide their opinion for sure.. :F0
but,this time,please i am asking about all lightworker's view here..hope most people will listen to me..
So,we were discussing about the fear's here..?
What is fear?
Is there any person whose having fear and you know about them? Maybe they need our help..!!
How many types of fear's you know about or you came to know about them till today?
Just like,i have fear of losing my loved one's..
If you have any question's also on are most welcome to post them in this thread.. :F0
With this post,i just want to help people out there...
In last,dont forget we are LIGHTWORKER'S here on earth and our aim is to heal/help people..
One more thing,i want to say that please please share about ''THE HOLISTIC CARE'' our TEMPLE to whoever you to your friend's group,brother,sister,mom,dad and their friend's also,to your school,college,tuition's etc...
In today's hectic and busy life,most people need healing's..and our TEMPLE will be very helpfull to them..just think on this.. :F0
Thankyou very much for spending your most precious time in reading my post.. :F0 :F0
Thankyou.. :F0 :gL

Re: Fear....

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 10:54 pm
by angelicdiamond
Thank you for making such an important topic. :F0

Just a heads up, if you don't want to read this whole post, the first paragraph sums it all up ^_^
As I was brought up in Fundamentalist Christianity, I have a fear that has developed for years that demons pose as beings of light to blind us from the true beings of light. I am always afraid that maybe behind the mask of a spirit I come in contact to is something more sinister.

Even though I've learned how to detect these "demons" and protect myself from them, the fear is still in my heart. My dad has practically demonized his mind to where he blames anything he doesn't understand as demons. In fact, he deluded himself to think that to be hypnotized, you must be possessed by a demon. Now, I don't mean to disrespect my dad, but these things are true.

But I've been trying to use some logic to help remove this fear. I do believe it's very possible to be deceived by dark entities, but not as often as my dad believes. For example, in every drop of water, there is a nymph (water elemental). It is IMPOSSIBLE for a demon to live in every drop of water! In every spark, flame, and fire there lives a salamander (fire elemental). It is IMPOSSIBLE for a demon to be in every spark, flame, and fire!

I know that if a spirit comes into your life to convince you that you are more special than another person, that you should avoid that being. And if a spirit tries to live through you, you should banish the spirit.

But my dad has drilled into my mind since I was a child that any being that is not an angel is a demon... Now I believe the universe is a well populated place full of many beings that are not all angels or demons.

I'm sorry this is such a long post!! But this is my fear — or trap, rather. May it be rid soon.