Maybe one time, you were doing a Reiki session, and you felt this strange sensation or energy that wasn't expected or invited. Maybe it reacted to the Reiki you were using, or maybe it moved around or fed you energy.
This could have been an entity that has taken interest in the energy that's being used and decided to see what's up, get a bit of it for itself, or give you a hand.
But maybe this didn't just happen to you once or twice. maybe this happens quite often or regularly. If this is the case, then you might be working with an Angel or Guide that has taken interest in this part of your life. These beings are often called Reiki Angels or Reiki Guides.
Or, maybe this has never happened to you before, but you want to experience it! If ether of these are your case, read on...
For the rest of this topic, I'm just going to say "Angels" instead of "Angels and Guides," but feel free to switch Angels with Guides if that's your thing

Why should I work with Angels in my Reiki practice?
Working with Angels in your Reiki practice can be such a blessing! Your Reiki treatments will be MUCH more powerful, because your Angels will be sending their healing, loving energy, too! You may receive information or guidance in the treatment from the Angels so help you. And there are many more pluses, too!
How do I get my Angels to help me?
Before you begin, say ether aloud or in your mind something like, "I now ask that my Angels join me to aid in this Reiki treatment." Saying that invokes your Angels, asks them to help and guide you, and tells them what you're doing and thus how to help. If you would like, you can sit down by yourself and say to your Angels that you would like to have an Angel to assist you in Reiki treatments, sessions, practices, etc. from now on whenever you're doing one. Give thanks for their presents.
Do I owe them anything?
The only thing your Angels want is your acknowledgment and love. After working with your Angels, tell them thank you for assisting you and for their presents.
How do I talk to them?
Angels do not wish for you to pray to them, but speaking with them is not praying! You may speak aloud or in your mind, and they will hear you. Sometimes your Angels have messages for you, and they can come as a simple thought in your head, a whisper in your ear or an intense feeling. They will not shout, so sometimes it's important to ask for confirmation that the message came from them and isn't just a random thought. The more you work with your Angels, the more sensitive you become to how they communicate with you, personally.
Can I talk to my client's Angels?
Of course! Just ask for their presents, and then speak to them just ask you would your own Angels. If you have much to say and/or many Angels to talk to, ask that your Angels speak with theirs instead, as the communication will be much easier and natural for them than it will be for you. Your Angels are with you all the time and will know just what you're talking about, and can transfer that information to someone else's Angels in detail.
Can they heal with me?
Sure. If you want them to help you in a specific way, then instruct them. Sometimes I ask that my Angels channel Angelic healing energy through me to whatever it is I'm healing, and sometimes I just ask that they send their own energies. Some nights, I ask my Angels to heal my while I sleep, and I can feel their hands touch my body and send their energy as I drift away into sleep. Trust me, they know what they're doing.
What about the Archangels?
You can work with them too if you want. They can be in many places at once, so just call them down to help you with whatever you need. Raphael is the Archangel of healing, so he is a good one to work with, and so is Uriel who specializes in healing emotionally. Call on Gabriel to release something, and Chamuel when unconditional love is needed. Archangel Michael for protection and removing etheric nasties, Johpiel for spiritual awakening, Raguel for resolving conflicts and healing from disputes.
If you have more questions about Angels or working with Reiki Angels and Guides in general, feel free to ask in a comment. And if you have questions about your own Angels and getting in touch with them, please send me a Personal Message and I'd be glad to help you out

Thank you for reading, and I hope this has been a blessing for you!
I love you all,