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Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medication

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:16 pm
by Narayan Debnath
Namaskar to all of you.
Many days ago I applied an ointment in my body part without any medical practitioner's instruction and I slowly developed allergy.This now begins to develop some other symptoms.I want to get rid of it.
I request all of you to send healings to me.
My age is approx. 40 yrs, male, from Dhing, Assam.

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:03 pm
by chandresh_kumar
Namaskaar Narayan ji!!

Healing sent to remove allergy rising in your body and for your highest good.

By the blessing of GOD you'll get recovered soon. :F0

Kind regards,


Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:05 am
by Saille
Namaste, Narayan,

I have sent a healing to you, using the Blue and Surya Shakti.

I sense that you did, paradoxically, the right thing and the wrong thing. It was good, in that it helped to spark one type of healing, but it was wrong, in that it was too much, too strong. What has occured is that it's flushed allergens out, but has become a toxin. The body's need is to flush the allergens and the medicine out of your system, which is causing the rash.

The Blue is working deep within your body to break up the toxins and allergens and to direct it outward. Surya Shakti is extremely strong and effective in helping your body to rid itself of these toxins.

If you have not received the attunement for Surya Shakti, I highly recommend that you do so now. Our Mohan ji was gracious and strong enough receive such a beautiful energy and then make it available to all. You do not need to wait for the attunement, as you'll read at the postings for Surya Shakti.

I must caution you that the healings you're receiving are effective and strong. As with all healings, the energies work on the cellular level and will shift things about in order for healing to occur. Therefore, it is imperative that you drink as much water--pure water--as you can. Your body needs it now, and as the healing takes effect you must help your body to eliminate these toxins through showers and through drinking plenty of water. Otherwise, they will stay within your body and make your condition worse.

Also, I highly suggest that you massage yourself with oil. I'm sensing that you need to use sesame oil, just slightly warmed, and mix a little cumin into the oil--just a very small amount of cumin. It will help to get the toxins to rise to the surface so you can eliminate them. You'll likely feel some discomfort in the form of thirst and perhaps a mild headache. If you find yourself a little dizzy upon standing it's fine, it just means that your blood is being purified, which is what you need. Just be aware of these things.

I receive information empathically, especially with Ayurvedic energy. I am certain that others here can expound on what I've received to tell you, and the benefits of cumin and Ayurvedically massaging with heated oil (again, just a tiny amount of cumin, and make sure the oil is warm, not at all hot).

Be the peace you seek,

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:30 am
by Narayan Debnath
I heartily thank both Chandreshji and Sailleji for sending me healings.
I spend last night as usual with some exception of some kind of comfort and remembering your healings while in half sleep.
I feel your healings in me.Its slow even I feel my nerves (may be cells)contracting to have a right form.I feel allergic itchy sensation yet it is mild and seems curing.But what Saille says ,today from morning I feel somewhat weak,dizzy (or may be some mild head spin).I'd have liked to lay on bed,but it was not so intense to go to bed.The symptoms still exists.
I'll remember Saille 's suggestions. Please go on healing me.
One thing I wanted and now want to know,if 'night' is right time for calling down Surya Shakti attunement.Thanks.
May you all live long .

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:33 pm
by hotice_steve
Dear Narayan,
You will be fine.
healing sent.
Special appreciation and thanks to Saille & Chandresh for their kind contribution.

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 2:01 pm
by Narayan Debnath
Dear all the healers,
Iam now experiencing much much better.Now,I can declare that Iam 75% ok.
I passed Yesterday in dizziness from morning,from about 2 pm slight headache struck me and it continued till 7 pm.Then I felt ok.The spot at which itching would start as per routine did not arise.But some other time it arose without severity.
Night passed well.
Today, Iam feeling well.But some mild allergic symptoms are there.At about 4.40 pm today I felt mild sweating under my feet.I find it noteworthy as my feet never sweats.
I greatly indebted to all of you for sending me healings. I think I regained my life.
May God Bless All.

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:41 pm
by lighthope
Reiki support..

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 3:57 pm
by pradeep_shaktawat
Hello Narayan ji, Nice to Know that You are 75% OK
Great work is Done By Saille ji,
Saille wrote:it is imperative that you drink as much water--pure water--as you can. Your body needs it now, and as the healing takes effect you must help your body to eliminate these toxins through showers and through drinking plenty of water.
One More thing You can do :--> "Charge the Water with Surya shakti"

Sending Energy for You.

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:56 pm
by Beeholtz
sending healing energy. feel better!

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:10 pm
by oliver.akpan
With divine love and intention,reiki healing energy is sent for your highest good.

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:05 am
by Narayan Debnath
Dear Lightworkers,
Many Many thanks for sending me healings.Though Iam not completely cured Iam relieved to the extend Iam unable to express.Of course I feel occasional itching on the source I self medicated.If You think necessary & possible then go on sending me healings.Thanks for your kind healing energies.

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:24 am
by hotice_steve
Dear Narayan,
Happy to know that you are feeling much better.
Sending energy to the cause that you may be completely healed.
Sometimes we ourselves become blocks to healing by doing wrong diagnosis. what you may have thought to be allergic reaction to a medicine could be just an aggravation of the original issue.
Kindly leave alone these thoughts & just send energy to the issue. You will be healed completely.

Re: Healing request for chronic allergy due to self medicati

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:27 pm
by Narayan Debnath
Respected Steveji,
Take my namaskar.There is no doubt that Iam feeling better by the grace of all lightworkers including you.But fact also remains Iam not completely cured.Iam also self healing regularly and also applying Surya Shakti.Iam confident, slowly I will be able to get rid of it completely.
Many many thanks for sending me healings.
May God Bless All her Creations.