Surya Shakti for burns

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Surya Shakti for burns

Post by Saille »

Tashi delek,

Surya Shakti is wonderful and very powerful for working on any skin condition, as we know. I would like to share my experience today with this amazing healing modality.

I severely burned two of my fingers today. I immediately put them in water to cool the burn off, then ran Surya Shakti on my fingers.

While I did use an antibacterial ointment and bandaids to keep the air off, I kept pulling the bandages off to run Surya Shakti.

After just a few times, I noticed that the pain was far less severe, and by tonight I noticed that the healing in both fingers would normally be seen afer 3-4 days, not a few hours.

Thank you, Mohan!

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Re: Surya Shakti for burns

Post by pradeep_shaktawat »

Thank You Very Much Saille ji for sharing this experience....
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Re: Surya Shakti for burns

Post by chandresh_kumar »

Sometimes GOD conveys the message by natural events. Such incidents may become proofs of many researches. The same has happened with you.

Mohan ji, no doubt, invented such a fantastic modality of healing (Surya Shakti).

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Re: Surya Shakti for burns

Post by lighthope »

this is really a gr8 experience...
i would also like to share my experience..
approax 1 1/2 yrs back i was the petient of depression, PCOD and eczema.. i could not stand near gas stove, my face and hands were full of wrinkles ..very bad time for me..then an angel came in my life and she requested shri Mohan ji to attune me for reiki..she shown me the right path of light.. and this turn changed my life forever....THANK YOU HINA Didi... :F0
now i m free from eczema..i delivered my second baby this first baby was through IVF 4yrs bak..and iwas on the bed for 3 months after c-section delivery that time.and my baby was completly on bottle feed. but this time every thing is fine :) ...
Thank you Mohan Ji.. Thank YOu Reiki.. Thank you Stephen ji... :F0
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Re: Surya Shakti for burns

Post by hotice_steve »

Dear Saille.
Great to hear your experience.
Its wonderful to know the efficacy of SuryaShakti.
Particularly very quick for targeted healing.
I know some would have avoided SuryaShakti in case of burns.
But here we must remember that its not just the physical properties like light & heat, but also the metaphysical propertied of the Sun & its energies.
Well done Saille.

Dear Monika,
Thanks for sharing your personal experiences with us.
Do give Baby regular dose of Suryashakti when its sleeping especially hands on. Hold one hand on thsoles of feet & the other on the forehead & just let Suryashakti flow for 5 mins. Them move the hand from feet to the root chakra (bum cheeks)of baby & intend energy to flow through spine.DO this for 5 mins. It will help baby's growth & immunity.
Secondly you can use Ayurveda Reiki for 5 to 10 mins on regular basis.
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Re: Surya Shakti for burns

Post by lighthope »

Thank you stephen ji for proper guidence..thank you for uplifting my life.. :F0
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