Aurveda recommends that eat according to your hunger. Avoid eating when not feel hungry, similarly do not delay or skip meals. However Aurveda also says that try to have your meal at approximately the same time every day. In this case, you'll feel hungry automatically on the same time after few days.
Aurveda suggests Breakfast is important meal of the day so never skip it. But it should not be heavy, just enough to make you charged till lunch. Fresh fruits, few nuts, milk, whole grain cereals etc serve excellently as breakfast.
According to Ayurveda, Lunch, which is the most important meal of the day, should be the largest. our digestive fire or Agni works best during this period of day hence food is easily digested. It should include whole wheat breads, grains, vegetables, lentils and other food items which should fulfill requirement of protein, calcicum and should fuel your activities throughout the day. The ideal time for lunch is from 12 Noon to 2:00 p.m.
Dinner is the last meal of the day should be light and must consumed at least two to three hours before bed.
Have you food at a peaceful and calm atmosphere place and chew the food proerly. Remember that digestion of food begins in your mouth, and no stomach has teeth. Avoid reading, Watching TV, driving or any other activity while eating, let your mind and body enjoy the flavors, test, and aromas of food.
Neve eat over or under. Both are harmful. Overeating cause fat and lethargy while under eating lack you from requisite nutrition and cause many health problems.
Keep a edequent gap between two meals. Eat when the previous meal is digested. This usually takes 3-6 hours.
Ayurveda says there are 6 tastes of foods: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. It is recommended that the use of all tastes in a meal as each taste nourish the body, mind, senses, and spirit in its own unique way.
Avoid consuming any type of liquid while eating. If you want to have, then take warm or similar to room temperature liquids only. The chilled, cold liquids are harmful for digestion process.
After finishing your meal, sit relax for some time to ensure uninterrupted process of your digestion.
Take a short walk after sometime of a meal, which help you to digest the meal more efficiently. There should be atleast ten minutes gap between meal and walk. Aurveda recommends to take at least 100 steps after meal.
Never take milk with meat, fish, sour foods, vegetables, salt, or eggs.
Include freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices in your daily diet.
Try to avoid or limited refined white sugar.
Always avoid cold foods, drinks, this food suppresses digestive fire, and increase toxins in your body. Similarly avoid the consumption of carbonated beverages as according to Aurvda, they aggravate Vata and diminish Oja.
Avoid or limited use of Caffeine. The unlimited use of caffeine imbalances the physiology.
Be Healthy