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Attunements (part 2)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 4:03 am
As i told before i enrolled myself for attunements held on 31 .... I am following the way told for acceptin the m not feeling anything physically....
I m very frustrated ....
I have failed everytime in life nd i thought i wud get it this time nd lead a well balanced lyf....someone please help me out i am depressed very much nd unable to find any hope to lead a peaceful life.....

Re: Attunements (part 2)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:42 am
by Tom
Even when you feel absolutely nothing, it is important to use your reiki for self-treatments. Go through the motions even if it doesn't seem to be working. Trust the process. There really are a lot of people who don't feel their attunements who go on to feel the energy after some treatments. Reserve judgments about success or failure for later, because thinking too much about if it is working can distract you from the sensations. You are learning to feel in a new way and it can be very challenging. Give yourself time and space to learn. If you still haven't felt anything by when you get a chance to request an attunement again, try repeating the attunement you just received. It should be easier to feel the next time around, but even if you don't feel anything the second time just be patient. Once you get a feel for reiki, it will get easier. Even after you have been practicing for a while, though, there may still be times when you work with reiki when you still don't seem to feel anything. This will pass and you will be able to feel the energy again.

Re: Attunements (part 2)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:57 am
by hotice_steve
Dear Kartik,
Kindly follow Tom's advice. Take the attunement again with an open mind. Consider it done & practice regularly.
It also seems like you have read the attunement notes & post if have read, rather hastily.
You also exhibit major communication problems.
Kindly address this & make some changes.
Changes in life must be accepted whatever they are.
Be positive. You come from one of the most beautiful parts that can ever be in this worlds, make your thoughts beautiful too & I am sure you will be happy.
Be Blessed.

Re: Attunements (part 2)

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:05 am
Thanks for reply,

self realization is the ultimate main of my life nd i"l keep tryin til i get success....