Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

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Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by mohan »

Dear Lightworkers,
If you or someone you know, wish to receive Distant Attunements,
kindly Enroll your name for attunement on Feb. 24, 2007.
Pls. read the instructions carefully before posting a request.
Love and light,
Mohan  :D
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by reikiblessings »

I would like to request for attunement to Kundalini Booster 4.

Name:Niddhe Ratna
Location:New Delhi(Noida)India.

I feel that the attunements received so far have enhanced the Reiki energy and I wish to take the experience further.
Thank You.
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by JPShepard »

Attunement Request

Name: John Paul Shepard   
Age (approximately) : 25   
Gender: Male     
E-mail: Same as registered   
Location: Camp Foster, Okinawa Japan
(e.g. City & Country)
Attunement Style and level: Kundalini Level 2

Why are you interested in attunements?
I want to be able to share the healing power of reiki and Kundalini

Additional information:
Kundalini 1 has been interesting... something deffinately was happening... my heart was beating very strong and deep, resonating throughout my body.  Thank you Mohan.
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by SRWomack »

  I would like to request

Ayurveda Reiki 2 attunement

Stephen Richard Womack
Age 44
Runcorn, Cheshire, England

I request Ayurveda Reiki 2 attunement to continue with this unique system

                    Many thanks!

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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by Alper »

Name: Alper
Age: 28
Gender: Male
E-mail: kappa77@hotmail.com
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Attunement Style and level: Usui Reiki Level 2

Why are you interested in attunements? I'm very interested in healing and energy channeling.  I love to practise reiki on myself, my pet, plants, etc, and heal with power of reiki for the people who i know, family, relatives, and friends who are in pain and need for a heal.

Additional information: Since i began reading the reiki 1 manual, i tried some methods of channeling an energy ball. And tried to replicate that scene.  What i felt is resistance when i bring my hands closer, then bit of a twitch & tickle in hands. Somehow i have picked up great energy behind my knee caps, neck area and other areas.  Good luck with healing & attunements Master Mohan.
Last edited by Alper on Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by manojnair10 »

Name :Manoj Nair
Place: Thane Mumbai
Age  :31
Request:Usui Reiki 3.

I wish to enhace my energy fields to heal myself and all those who need it from me.
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by desphynx »

Name: Ify     
Age : 32   
Gender: Female     
E-mail: desweetvixen@yahoo.com   
Location: California, US

Attunement Style and level: Kundalini Reiki 2

Why are you interested in attunements? I would like to heal my family, self, and others.
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by Prema ma (starfire) »

Name: Sandy Madl
Location: Dallas Texas

Attunement Style and Level: Kundalini Reiki Booster 1

i wish to continue on to the next level of Awakening on this Healing Path of Reiki to become a Radiant Light Vehicle for Healing to ease pain and suffering...

Thank you so very much,
Deepest Respect
Love, Sandy
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by abahaci »

Name: Štefan Tóth     
Age :22   
Gender: male     
E-mail: wqwq@centrum.sk   
Location: Sklabina, Slovakia

Attunement Style and level: Kundalini Reiki 1

Why are you interested in attunements?
I wish to learn more in  area of healing with energy.

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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by Graham »

  I wish to request the Ayurveda Reiki 2 Attunement:

Name    Graham Mitchell
Age      42
Gender  Male
Email      mitch4395@yahoo.co.uk
Place      East Ardsey, West Yorkshire, England

Ayurveda Reiki 2 attunement requested please

I would like to follow up my level 1 attunement with level 2 please. I am interested in these attunements due to the different style of Ayurveda Reiki and to enhance my healing work on both myself and to others too.

I am already an Usui Reiki Master
Love and Light
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by Silas »

Please attune me to usui reiki master level

Name:      Silas Varghese
Age (approximately) :  34 
Gender:      male
E-mail:      silas_varghese@yahoo.com
Location:  56,Tejendar nagar, Near Vallabh park, d'cabin,ahmedabad, Gujarat
(e.g. City & Country)
Attunement Style and level:

usui reiki master level
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by Doomer D. Great »

Name: Hassan Gulzar
Age (approximately) : 23
Birth: 08-March-1983
Gender: Male
E-mail: doomer.d.great@gmail.com
Location: Lahore, Pakistan
Attunement Style and level:
Usui Reiki Level #2

Why are you interested in attunements?
I want to use it to do something about my diabetes and them also for my mother. I also want to learn this knowledge to the best extent I can and also heal others as much as I can.
My life is a bit disoriented... I'm willing to use/do/learn anything that can help me.

Additional information:
My Level #1 attunement was successful. I'm now practicing hand positions on myself.
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by govind »

Name Govind
Age 41
Location Nashik, India

Attunement Style and Level: Kundalini Reiki 2

TO keep up the improvements in the field

Thanks and regards
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by Azhar »

Name: Azhar Majid Sheikh
Age: 43 years
Email: azhar.m.sheikh@gmail.com
Location: Lahore, Pakistan.

Attunement style and levels:
Kundalani Reiki Level #2

Why are you interested in attunements?
I was successfully attuned to Kundalani Reiki Level #1 on 18th February by your good selves. Now I'm interested to be attuned to the next level of Kundalani Reiki on this coming 24th. Please enroll my name for Kundalani Reiki Level #2.

I'm a qualified Sufi healer, doing distance healings to friends and assosiates. I can also do the healing to DIABOLIC effectee patients along with general diseases cure. I have done Level 1 Reiki but is familiar to Reiki symbols and their uses. ALL of my services are free and enjoy inner satisfaction when someone gives an OK REPORT. I am always Looking for new avenues of kNOWLEDGE to SERVE THE HUMANITY.
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Re: Enroll for free reiki attunement on Feb. 24, 2007

Post by serangetti »

Name: Julie Keelan
Age (approximately) : 39 
Gender: Female     
E-mail: serangetti@hotmail.com
Location: Calgary, Canada
Attunement Style and level: Kundalini Level 3

Additional information:
I think it's interesting to note that I seem to be gravitating towards others who are interested in spiritual growth and healing. It's wonderful. Thank you