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Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 1:50 pm
by readytolearn
I agree to that theme too, like Mohan and Rahul. It is a very good theme. After we had did the Mother earth theme last sunday, I was surfing the net and found these attunements that coincided with the theme. It really is a wonderful attunement. If you don't mind, I would like to share it with everyone. ;)

About Earth Energy Boost
The Earth Energy Boost is a simple energy that works as an immediate and gentle “pick-me-up.” If you
are familiar with the “Rescue Remedy” flower essence, then you'll understand that the Earth Energy
Boost can work in a similar fashion. It's something to use for fatigue, illness, or times of extreme stress. It
can also be used during strenuous activity, to provide an extra “boost.” It is not meant as an instant
cure, but an additional energetic support.
There is no symbol to learn or memorize. Once attuned, you can receive or send the Earth Energy Boost
via intention. Get quiet, and visualize the Earth Energy Boost coming up through the bottoms of the feet.
The gentle, earth-based healing energy will slowly creep up the system for a balancing effect.
Environmental Support
If you have a tree, plant or flower that is sickly and needs extra energy, then give the plant an Earth
Energy Boost. You can use this energy to help heal and support nature.
Attunement Process
Use any Reiki attunement ritual of your choice. Ask for the assistance of Gaia or Mother Earth. Imagine
the Earth Energy being sent to the student. Doing an attunement outside in nature is even better.
New Tools and Symbols
This manual has been purposefully left simple, because it’s really about the energy. If you find new
symbols, practices, or ways of using the Earth Energy Boost, please feel free to add to the system and
share with others.
  I was going to suggest a universal love theme, and I have an attunement for that as well. It's just a suggestion. :) :)
Take care,

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:25 pm
by John.Apostolidis
I am happy that you liked that theme  :D
Dear Tanisha thanks for sharing I will do practice on this.
I suppose that this kind of energy must be very similar with Kundalini Reiki...
As it has to do with the theme you suggested its wonderful and I wish to do it after the end of the 5 elements healing!  :D

Light and Joy Blessings and Wishes

PS. Many greetings love and merry Christmas and happy new year! to Mohan, Rahul, Tanisha and of course Stephen and their families from my dad,mom and sister!  :D  :D  :D.....and me  ;D

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:53 pm
by readytolearn
Thank you dear John, ;D
And please convey my holiday wishes to your family as well, may it be very blessed for all. ;D ;D
love and light,

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:57 am
by hotice_steve
Dear members,
Thanks Mohan for a great explanation on the "Panch Maha Bhootas, or Five Great Elements"
Thanks John for suggesting the theme. It was very thoughtful of you. You have enough support from the members. Also the the necessity for those issues. So we follow the sequence you suggested unless we are proposed a theme which is an urgent necessity of the moment. Will update the page soon.
Thanks Tanisha for sharing.
Request members to suggest & request for new themes which they think is urgent need of the present.
Well we don't want the moderators proposing the themes all the time ;D :o ;D .It's an activity for all.
Thanks to all members who sent their love  & light to Mother earth.
This Sunday on we send Healing to the Water Element
God Bless

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:45 am
by hotice_steve
Dear friends,
I hope you remembered to send love & light to the element Water this Sunday.
I understand its holiday time.
The experience was a gentle one. Affirmed, "We are experiencing Water in it's Ever Pure & Ever Cleansing form."
Felt a new sensation of vacuum at palm & sole Chakras.
Wonder what it was? ???
God Bless

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:27 pm
by John.Apostolidis
Hello dear Stephen  :D
I hope you remembered to send love & light to the element Water this Sunday.
I understand its holiday time.

Well yes we did  ;D
and what if holidays? The better....more free time to practice with Reiki! I think so.... 8)
Felt a new sensation of vacuum at palm & sole Chakras.
Wonder what it was? ???

You wonder? Maybe it was the water element that drained your chakras.....we all know that it is "ill" !  ;D

Light and Joy Blessings and Wishes for Merry Cristmas...or Whatever to other religion members!  ;D

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:17 pm
by hotice_steve
Yes Johnny boy,
Will be sending Reiki to Water throughout the week.
Will Affirm very strongly.
God Bless

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 4:57 am
by hotice_steve
Dear members,
Will be posting the page for Sunday Theme Healing to the element  "Fire" later in the day.
Anybody proposing a theme which is an urgent necessity of the moment please do so soon.
God Bless

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:21 am
by hotice_steve
Dear Lightworkers,
I send my Love & Light to the element FIRE early in the A.M.
Also send energy in different modalities.
Each time I send I recieved a lot of heat & electric like sensation manifolds.
It was an amazing feeling.
Thanks for reading.
God Bless.

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:16 pm
by John.Apostolidis
Fire element session was a wonderful experience...
I have noticed that all these "holy" days the flow is very strong....

Light and Joy ,Blessings and Wishes

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:19 pm
by readytolearn
My fire element session went well also.
I kept feeling intense heat thruought my body.
And I guess it doesn't hurt to be a fire sign as well. ;D ;D ;D


Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 4:32 am
by mohan
My fire element session also went fine.

a little about Agni - The Digestive Fire
Agni is the biological fire that controls the process of metabolism in the body. it powers the transformation of one substance into another. It includes all the changes taking place in the body and mind. Agni is found in the alimentary canal and digests food. The main function of Agni is the promotion of process of digestion. Therefore, the digestive abilities are related to the strength of Agni. Maximum number of diseases is directly or indirectly related to the improper functioning of Agni. It is responsible for neutralizing toxins, bacteria and viruses that hinders with the functioning of immune system.

There are around thirteen forms of Agni in the body that are responsible for digestion. The most important is jatharagni that works at the gastrointestinal level and the main function is to separate the nutrients and waste from the ingested food.

There are other twelve agni- dhatagnis that are seven in number and the bhutagnis that are five in number. These twelve agnis are related to the dhatus and the panchamahabhootas.

The seven dhatagnis metabolizes and regulates the physiological processes of the seven dhatus. It is a biochemical process that includes the anabolic and catabolic activities of the body.

The five bhutagnis metabolizes the panchamahabhootas present in the dhatus of the body. The bhutagnis are a form of heat that is always present in tissues and is responsible for the proper functioning and development of the tissues. They also help in the regulation of digestion and assimilation of the panchamahabhootas present in the ingested food.

Agnis are further classified into four categories depending on the way of their manifestation in the human beings.

Tiksnagni (sharp)

It is produced by the pitta dosha. The people with excess of tiksnagni are more prone towards inflammation and acidity. It implies strong digestion, circulation and immunity. In case of excess of tiksnagni impurities gets accumulated in the rasa and rakta dhatus.

Mandagni (mild)

It is produced by the kapha dosha. In people with mandagni there is slow circulation and excess of secretions are formed. It shows symptoms like slow digestion, low appetite, cravings for heavy or sweet foods and a tendency to carry excess body weight.

Visamagni (irregular)

It is produced by vata dosha. People with visamagni often have intestinal bloating, gastritis, constipation and abdominal disorders. It also weakens the immune system with regard to nervous system, bones and upper respiratory tract. It can promote irregular appetite, with intense periods of hunger alternating with lack of interest in food.

Samagni (regular and balanced)

It is produces by the normal digestion of the three doshas. It usually occurs in individuals who are well balanced; eat balanced diet, rest and exercise sufficiently. People with samagni have normal appetite, satisfaction, normal bowel movements and emotional stability.

Therefore, a balanced Agni is vital for good health. In every tissue and cell Agni is present and is necessary for maintaining the nutrition and autoimmune mechanism. Healthy Agni results in good digestion process, proper elimination, proper tissue formation, strong immune system, high energy levels, good circulation and pleasant body odour and breath.


Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 6:04 am
by hotice_steve
Dear Mohan,
Thanks for sharing the vital info.
Not surprising that it is an important part of religious ritual among the HIndus. Also Zoarastrian & Christians to some extent.
All the more important to balance the Agni in us & the Universe as whole.
God Bless.

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:47 pm
by John.Apostolidis
Dear Mohan,
Thanks for sharing these vital info as dear Stephen said.
I will have those in mund always!

Light and Joy Blessings and Wishes

Re: New Activity- Sunday Theme Healing

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:02 pm
by hotice_steve
Dear Lightworkers,
I will be posting the Sunday Theme healing shortly.
Well I will diverge from the current 5 element for the week. WE will do the pending Wind & Ether next 2 weeks.
This Sunday we will focus on the "THC Family"
Plz do send your Love & Light to it.
God Bless