Love and Light to everybody......

I have experimented with reiki to create a better environment in my office and to reduce my daughters fever.
Work at office is resulting in lot of fire fighting with more of effort and less of result. I have asked my manager to clean the office thoroughly. Made sure that south east coner of the house is clean. I have placed quartz crystal in each corner of my room and office. And cleaned and energized the room with reiki with an intention that the crystals continously amplify the divine energy. I am yet to see the positive results but my office looks more inviting, people walking into the room are saying that it looks more bright and nice. I have not made any change in the lighting.
I also placed a small money plant in a bottle in my office yesterday and intented that it should thrive and there should be a reiki shower on it 365 days. I hope that the plant thrives. I firmly believe that I would thrive.
Hey last night my daughter suddenly had high fever . I was panaroid. I gave her a little amount of paracetamol, but the fever was not getting controlled. I placed quartz crystals on her crown , palms and soles as they would reduce fever and I gave her reiki through divine reiki light technique as she was not cooperating to give her reiki through hand positions.
I also requested help from archangels while I requested their help I felt a little light and also I could see green and gold lights behind my closed eyes and after some time my daughters fever reduced. I requested the angels to restore her health and also to be with her until her health is restorted. From morning her fever did nkt return. I am really gratefull to the archangels who immediately helped me as soon as I requested them. It gives a great feeling and comfort that god and his messengers are there to help me . I am really humbled. I really bless the day I got to know about reiki .
Its a big mail and I poured every thing I felt . Both the above experiences were fresh in my mind and I wanted to share it all.
Thanks and Regards,