it is common in INDIA but THC has world wide members, so for them i wnts to write the recipe of special tea for cough and cold.
INGREDIENTS for 4 servings:-
1) Milk,Water,Tea leaves,Suger ---> According to test
2) Clove ---> One
3) Ginger ---> 25-30 gm.
4) tulsi(holy basil) --> 8-10 leaves
boil the water grind 1,2 and 3 and put it in water then add let it boil for 3-5 minutes and then add tea leaves and sugar.
finally add milk and end enjoy the great test.
Rx..... three times a day n feel the Magic
सर्दियों में चाय बनाते वक़्त उस में तुलसी,लॉन्ग और अदरक मिलाईये व सर्दी से छुटकारा पाइए

"प्रदीप सिंह शक्तावत"