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How to control mind?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:31 am
by chandresh_kumar
मन को वश में रखना चाहिए :F0 , इसका अर्थ तो हम सब समझते हैं लेकिन क्या है मन की शक्ति असीमित, अनंत.. ये भी हम जानते हैं..... तो फिर मन को कैसे वश में करें? ???

चलिए जाने ।

मन की तीन अवस्थाएं बताई गयी हैं : तमोगुणी, रजोगुणी तथा सतगुणी ... यानी कि cauntious mind , sub cauntious mind और super cauntious mind , शरीर भी दो तरह का होता है: स्थूल और सूक्ष्म , स्थूल शरीर में मस्तिष्क और सूक्ष्म शरीर में मन का निवास होता है ... स्थूल शरीर की मृत्यु पश्चात भी सूक्ष्म शरीर काफी समय तक ज़िंदा रह सकता है... यह मन की शक्ति है... brain death स्थूल शरीर की मृत्यु है लेकिन मन की मृत्यु कभी सुनी है क्या? होती भी हो तो मुझे पता नहीं... कहीं वर्णन पढ़ा नहीं ....... :rD

तो मन अति शक्तिशाली है, फिर मन को वश में कैसे रखा जाए ?

यह प्रश्न जितना जटिल है इसका उत्तर उतना ही सरल है... मन अगर शक्तिशाली है तो मन में ध्यान करें..... अपने आप को शक्तिशाली महसूस करें और सोचें कि आपको जिस वस्तु की आवश्यकता है आपको मिल गयी है... मन आपका ही तो है ... तो जो शक्ति हमारे पास है... हमारे अन्दर है... उसका उपयोग ही तो करना है .... तो मन की गति बढायें.... उसके द्वारा अपने आप को वैसा ही महसूस करें जैसा कि आप बनना चाहते हैं ... मन की शक्ति के द्वारा आप वैसा ही बनेंगे जैसा आप अपने आप को बनाना चाहते हैं .... :gL

रेकी एवं कई अन्य तरह की ऊर्जा भी मन की गति के साथ आगे चली जाती है यानी कि मन एक माध्यम भी है, वाहन भी है... मन साधन भी है और मन साध्य भी है .... मन अगर साधा हुआ है तो मन आपके कहे अनुसार चलेगा... मन में सोचें कि आप मन को चला रहे हैं... मन आपसे दूर नहीं है .... बस मन को आदेश देना है.... मन आपका कहना मानेगा ... :F0

लेकिन जितना आसान मन को वश में कैसे किया जाए इसे समझना है ... उतना ही कठिन इसे अपनी ज़िंदगी में लागू करना भी है .... मन को वश में करने में समय लगेगा.... लेकिन हार मत मानो ... वैसे भी शुरू करने के बाद आप हार नहीं मानोगे क्योंकि आप जो चाहते हो वो प्राप्त करना शुरू कर दोगे.... और धीरे धीरे मन वश में हो जायेगा ... मन को आप उधर मोड़ दोगे जिधर आपकी आत्मा चाहती है, लेकिन मन आपको मोड़ नहीं पायेगा... मन विचलित नहीं होगा .... ::)

बस सोचें law of attraction अपने आप काम करेगा !!! अपनी सोच को मज़बूत करें ... विश्वास के द्वारा कि आप जो सोच रहे है हो वो सही है... जितनी मज़बूत आपकी सोच होगी उतना जल्दी आप मन को वश में कर पाओगे ।। :)

Re: How to control mind?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:17 am
by priya
Dear chandreshji,

Excellent post sir. What you have mentioned in this post is very very true. But as you said staying in that positive state of mind irrespective of what situations are happening around you is very very difficult. Law of attraction says you are attracting what you are feeling inside but, is it possible to be happy when you actually feel like crying. I know how difficult it is to maintain this positive attitude as I am struggling to maintain it.

I have seen excellent results until my mind was controlled and I was in positive state of mind but I have failed to maintain it and I am back to where I started.

There is a constant war within yourself that you need to win.
I hope that I win.

All the very best guys...pls do try and you can surely see tremendous things happening around you.

Love and Light


Re: How to control mind?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:28 am
by chandresh_kumar
Dear Priya ji

Yes, very true. Mostly explaining of something is easier than implementing. Implementation is always hard and takes time.

The situation creates environment and accordingly we feel best, good, bad, worst..etc. The God has designed Human being by keeping in mind that everything will be connected for humans... our feelings are linked with our body, the environment is linked with our feelings... situation is linked with environment... and Good and bad habits of us and other related people are linked with situation...

The cycle runs... and it will run... we all affect, you, me, our family members, all other..

I've also tolerated many bad situations in my life... affected
and affecting...even now-a-days... Nanak Dukhiya sab sansaar


We are at THC help each other by sending healing, love, prayers, and many other suggestions... I feel many time worst and think that I cannot recover happiness, which was previously common for me... it happen..

Bad and good times come in life of every person, sometime very good and sometime very bad... we have to face the time and fight with the situation. You will win, if your thoughts (will power) are strong..

kindly convey, if we could assist you to recover your smile.... we have to share sorrow of each other... that is need... sharing problems will always minimize that problems...

Also never think you are starting again... many people will appreciate it, but my thought is.... if you have learnt already something... again choosing the same path is not again starting... this is same as you are going from one place to another and tyre of your vehicle becomes punctured... after repairing your vehicle you are not starting again from your source place... you have to move from that point, where tyre got punctured... However you may be disturbed and have spent some time to repair the tyre... you have lost only that much time....

Please move ahead. "Kanto pe chal ke milenge saaye bahaar ke"

I understand situation healing and prayers for peace will help you to feel better and for betterment of everyone...

I know you are on correct path and you will win... :F0

Love and Light


Re: How to control mind?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 7:48 am
by priya

Thanks a lot.



Re: How to control mind?

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:42 pm
by angelicdiamond
Got to love Google Translate :) Thanks for the great post!

Highest Blessings!

Re: How to control mind?

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:52 am
by chandresh_kumar
Thank you Wes, I would try to write in English also from next time. We are also getting benefited from your fantastic posts.

Love n Light :F0