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kundalini question

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:04 pm
by Beeholtz
what kind of kundalini attunements are offered past kundalini level 3 I saw one lady nice had level 9

Re: kundalini question

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:05 am
by Tom
Kundalini Reiki was originally 3 main levels with 6 supplemental levels. It was changed so that the supplemental levels were included into the main levels and the attunement process was strengthened. Anyone talking about levels 1-9 has an old version of the system, which was before the 2008 and 2009 upgrades. Here the 2009 system is being shared. Anyone with the old version can technically skip directly to the third level of KR 2009, if the attunement is being given by a person rather than by listening to Ole Gabrielsen's audio empowerments. Just to be certain that it is received as completely as possible, people who want to upgrade to KR 2009 from a previous version are encouraged to start with Level 1.