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Kundalini Reiki

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:08 pm
by nadcon123
Hi everyone!!! How many Kundalini Reiki attunements are there? And I'm assuming that in order to take the first Ayurvedic Reiki attunement you have to have Master in Kundalini. Blessings, Nadine

Re: Kundalini Reiki

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:49 am
by hotice_steve
Dear Nadine,
Its not compulsory to take Kundalini Reiki Attunements to have Ayurveda Reiki attunements.
Kundalini Reiki Attunements prepare your Nadi system so that you can easily accept The final Ayurveda Master attunement. You can alternatively opt for Ayurveda 1 followed by Ayurveda 2 & then the final Ayurveda Master attunement.
I think a lot is written about Kundalini Reiki on this forum. Kindly search & read.
God Bless.

Re: Kundalini Reiki

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:36 am
by nadcon123
I'm sorry Steve!!! I was looking under General Guidelines For Attunements. Where it says under Ayurveda Reiki, Prerequisite for Ayurveda Reiki is Kundalini Reiki Master or 2nd degree of Ayurveda Reiki. It is rather confusing. Do you think it sounds confusing? Can you clarify? Blessings, Nadine

Re: Kundalini Reiki

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:20 am
by hotice_steve
Dear Nadine,
Kindly read the manuals of Ayurveda Reiki & you will no longer be confused.
Those who have taken Kundalini Reiki need not go through Ayurveda 1 & 2 & can graduate to Ayurveda Masters directly.
If not then start from A1 A2 & then Ayurveda Master.
If you are already attuned to Kundalini Reiki & still want to go through A1 A2 its fine.
If you directly want to got Ayurveda Master, its improper & not done.
I have already given you the reasons for the prerequisites.
I have elaborated all possible 4 cases that bundle up to your confusion.
Hope you are not confused any more.
God bless

Re: Kundalini Reiki

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:07 pm
by nadcon123
Thanks Steve!!! I have already been attuned to Kundalini Reiki 1. So, I already have a request for Kundalini 2 to be attuned Nov.21. Then, I'll go to kundalini Master. And then I think I'll just go up the line Ayurveda 1,2 and Master. I don't want to hurry this up. I want to take time to absorb everything. Thank you so much for your help and understanding. I'm a newbie and I guess it shows. I'll get the hang of things, I promise!!!!!!! Blessings, Nadine

Re: Kundalini Reiki

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:07 am
by hotice_steve
Dear Nadine,
Do keep reading the various topics. it will help immensely.
It is preferable to take the attunements slowly. They will be assimilated thoroughly in time.
In between you can various healings methods, meditation and/or energy exercises.
This link might help.....
Important Links.
Keep Healing.
God Bless.