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Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:21 am
by RisingSun
I´ve just found another interesting side about Kundalini, with interesting and detailed pictures that I haven´t seen before.

Re: WHAT "IS" K U N D A L I N I ?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:15 am
by hotice_steve
Dear RisingSun,
The pictures on the link are good.
But I don't entirely agree with all the views & warnings expressed on that page.
There are a lot of debates posted on our forum about Kundalini. One can find them using the search option on the page. They will clear a lot of doubts that people have.
There is a lot of mis-information going around about Kundalini either due to the greed of gurus or ignorance.
It has also been abused by the Hippy & Drug culture. So Beware of such people & not Kundalini itself. Welcome it.
We at this forum have a moderated view about Kundalini..........
Neither be too obsessive about it as a end of it all in your spiritual path or be afraid of the symptoms.
The Kundalini symptoms are not much different from the one you experience in different forms of Reiki & Chakra work. It is a matter of the body getting used to a different energy level.
We encourage all members who have had some experience with Energy & Lightwork to pursue it. The Kundalini Reiki Modality offered on this forum is an excellent & safe way of releasing your Kundalini energy.
Thanks to Masters like Ole Gabrielsen(founder), Stefan Kammerhofer & our own Mohan many people can take help of this vast resource of energy that each possesses.
Keep Posting
God Bless.

Re: WHAT "IS" K U N D A L I N I ?

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:09 pm
by RisingSun
Hallo hotice_steve, blessings to You and all in this forum!!


Since I have a lot of spiritual experience myself, hopefully some day soon, I will start in telling you all about it, and about my crystal experiences that I have had. And since nobody has ever told me, how? What is done or to be done, I brought it up myself. It´s, as if that knowledge in me, has started to shine through, for me to use that knowledge and therefore, I used it, when I go my distant Attunement for my "Kundalini Reiki 1" Degree, here in Germany.

To tell you the truth, I manipulated the KR1 Attunement, who was send to me, in such a way, that it not only opened up my crown, throat and hands chakra, as it was supposed to. No., it actually + kinda awoke Kundalini in me. I wanted that and so I got it and the reason, why this worked in my case, unless someone has tried that too for themselves, was this. I read somewhere, that in each chakra, exist all the chakras!!! That means, that as soon as one of the chakras are opened and activated, that each and every one of you "CAN" consciously activate all the other ones with it, and that is what I tried to do, since I didn´t know, IF it would work ~ but it did!

I enjoyed it very much and since then, I´m searching and AM more and more hungry after more such powers. Powers like Kundalini, Ayurveda, Surya Reiki, "RAY ~ KEY"!

The "RAY´s" may be the RAY´s, that I have consciously photographed in all kinds of colors, here some pics of them!
Here a Link to my pics. In this Web Album, 1 of two Photographs of some kind of "RAY"-ki! ... 9686921298

And in this Album, ARE all kinds of "RAY´s", that I consciously photographed. In the first one, you will see nothing, except snow falling in the night and a few ORBs. After I took that Photograph, I stopped by the next one and thought, "May be I should try, to make the "RAY´s" appear! I concentrated very hard on it, on Them and took the photograph. That´ll be the next one WITH "RAY´s"! ... 0358751218

And so you all may understand, that those pics aren´t fakes, I also photographed the Negatives of those 35mm Film off the Rays. You will see clearly, that the Rays are over the Negative window and not within it. That´s the only proof, I have.

...I almost send this off and forgot to tell you, about my "Partial" Kundalini awakening! I sat there on the couch. It was dark in my room, a candle was lite and so on. When I felt suddenly, like a snake was moving upwards my spine, like a snake or Eel does. I could really feel that "S" movement on my back. I found THAT very interesting and it disappeared before it got to my neck. That took unfortunately only 4 to 5 seconds. Later on, as I layed relaxed on my bed, I thought to myself! That was IT!? I took my left hand and looked at it and then I said, "Kundalini Reiki 1"! Within 7 to 8 seconds, I began to feel a tingling sensation, like many needles or like, when your arm falls asleep. And then I felt another effect that I have to explain it to you visually, for all of you, to understand it. It´s simple.

After this tingling sensation was over with, right after a few seconds, my hand began to pulsate and I found it very interesting. I wanted it so I got it! The pulsating sensation onto my inside of my palm, felt like bubbles, that were moving up and down, but not synchron to each other. It was a pulsating motion. And after that was gone, I didn´t feel it since.

Then after a few days, I went to this Bruno Gröning-circle of friends here in Nürnberg. We were sitting there, it was in the afternoon, the person who does this lecture or how ever you say that, he was standing in the front, right in front of me. Behind him, was a window. He too told as at the beginning, that he also is a Reiki Master because back then, before the Bruno Gröning circle, he was too searching for healing and found Reiki instead.

As he was standing up there, I suddenly began to see a very hectic moving, dark green AURA, next to him. It moved very quickly, like a vortex, moving near and then into his face. Also, some of that AURA covered half of the window frame. In the past, I learned too, how to see such simple Auras, you know, the simple white Auras. Eventual I began to see them also in such a strong, vortex like motion but only in white. I also wished for it, for my Higher Guides, that they would learn me to see Auras in colour and this must have been the break through! Here´s a short clip about Auras! In Japanese!!!
Aura Japan ~
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Aura Healing
Live Aura Healing: a man after 30 minutes of meditation being hooked up to camera. 1st hand leaves. Healer plugs into healing energy (green) and the man matches before the Healer physically arrives. 2 minutes of Healing. Clearer aura. Visible bands of energy. Healer removes healing energy to allow the man to have his own.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Guy Healing Karen
Guy Coggins peforms an aura healing on Karen. This video was edited by Guy himself.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Maria K. Benning Healing
Maria K. Benning, Practitioner; Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Shiva N.D. Healing Session
Shiva heals Ron as seen through WinAura
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Durga and the Aura
See the effects that Durga has on the Aura!
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Durga ... uche&gbv=2

I guess, that those clips will energize you again for the rest of the day and many days to come. Those clips are very Energizing to watch, even for me too.

Going back to that class at the Bruno circle. Then, another person in the Friendship circle was asked to come forth, and he did. At this persons face, head I could see a see through, pinkish Aura, like you may have seen above. Next came the speakers wife, and she too had this immense, thick and strong swirling green Aura like her husband prior to her did.

But I want to experience even more because I am knowledge hungry. I feel, like a gigantic empty place, a place so large, to fit hundreds of thousands of people. A place, like a rock concert hall. I am filled, with total emptiness and that, I want to fill up with holy knowledge, with Universal knowledge. With Kundalini, Ayurveda, Surya, Bruno Gröning, Jesus, Buddha Reiki Energies. I too, want to become Universal Holyness and that is my goal, that I´m living for.

Bless you all!

RisingSun :Lv :F0 :F0 :F0