Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

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Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by Kymeth »

I searched to see if this may have been covered but didn't find any information...if this has been covered please accept my apologies. I would like to know if anyone here has ever experienced seeing solitary colors emit from the hand of someone who was speaking to them. This has happened to me twice now in the past two months.

One time was with a good friend of mine, and while she was speaking I actually saw bright emerald green sparks shoot from her right hand as she was gesturing in the air with her hand. I looked around to see if someone behind me could have made that color but we were in a large restaurant with white frosted glass around us and no one was behind me or beside me. The next time was just this past week, and my husband was speaking to me while we were in the car (he was driving) and while he gestured with his right hand I saw a bright neon blue streak of light follow the path where his hand went. I have yet to see any colors come from my own hands, so I find this odd.

Please know that I have searched the internet seeking answers and have found none and truly hope that someone here on the forum has had this same experience or who may share a possible reason for this happening. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by Tom »

Usually seeing the aura starts with the head, because with so much thinking going on there it tends to be very active. The hands make sense as a place to begin, too, and I read that when deliberately practicing to see auras your own hands are a good place to begin. A light colored background with a light source from behind you can help. If you start by relaxing and taking some deep breaths, then look at the space around your fingertips, you will probably see something. You can touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of the other index finger on the other hand, and slowly pull the fingers away from each other. A line will tend to appear in the space between your fingertips. If you have already started receiving reiki attunements, try sending reiki from one hand to the other and looking at the space between your hands. It helps to use a soft gaze, letting your eyes go a little unfocused. Look at the space around your hands as if you are looking through them into the distance. It doesn't have to be your hands. Anywhere that is not covered by clothing tends to be easier to see energy around. Some people get results looking in a mirror at the reflection of their face, but as a starting point it is easier to just look at your hands.
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by Kymeth »

Hi Tom,

Thank you for taking the time to help me. So then what I am experiencing is viewing someone's aura. I will do the exercise you spoke about and see what happens. Again, thank you. :)

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Re: Recent Reiki Experience

Post by Tom »

Having a regular exercise for watching auras is good for helping to develop your ability. As you practice, things like background and lighting will not be as important as mood and how you focus your attention. Some people just find that everything looks a little brighter than before, and it can be hard to notice if you aren't looking for it. Your spontaneous experiences will probably be better than the ones you have while doing the exercises, but because of doing exercises to see auras, you should have more of them. You may find it helpful to do grounding and centering exercises of some sort as well, because reading auras is not like reading pages in a book. Often you can experience feeling tones and even thoughts. I had a tendency at one point to feel like I was falling forward into the aura of a person when spontaneously viewing it. Sleep deprivation and too much caffeine didn't help.
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience

Post by Kymeth »

You mention mood, do the colors affect one's mood - even though the color comes from another individual? I thought it was only based on how one interprets the energy? Please be so kind as to share your thoughts. Thank you again.
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience

Post by Tom »

Your own mood can make it easier or more difficult to see auras. Positive (expansive) emotions like love and joy are easier to work with. Stressful, constricting, negative moods have the opposite effect. Seeing auras is generally considered a third eye activity, but it works best when the third eye and the heart chakra are working together.

Yes, other people's moods also affect your abilities. If you are around someone with a chakra that is more active than your corresponding chakra, then being around that person will tend to increase the activity in your chakra.

Reiki attunements (and regular self-healings) tend to develop the abilities you already have, whether they have surfaced or not. Learning to feel auras with your hands is good practice, too. You will find yourself just knowing things about people from feeling their auras, that seem to have nothing to do with just their aura. Consider it confidential, but you don't need to be concerned about learning anything that you don't have the right to know. I made the mistake of being concerned by this flow of information as well as energy, and it has damaged my sensitivity. Feeling and seeing the aura can give you valuable diagnostic ability, especially if you learn some anatomy and physiology so you have the words to express the information. There may be times when it is a good idea to gently suggest a person should go to a doctor to have symptoms looked at professionally. At some point you may want to expand to working with people online starting by visualizing a generic person outline and tuning into the person and letting the colors of the aura fill in. You may even want to visualize the chakras as a ball of white light and then let the colors of the actual chakra gradually fill in. There are reasons why you might want to use at-a-distance methods at the same time you are working with a person in person. Not to rush you. It is just that there is a lot of room to develop your abilities.
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by hotice_steve »

Dear Tom & Kim,
An encore on the thanks for the aura info, Tom.
I entirely agree with the techniques you suggested.
Its highly important to be grounded while doing aura sensing or trying to work on somebodies aura.
Just like other healing energies it is we ourselves who place blocks in sensing Aura.
For some its a matter of doing some exercises to build on to the natural gifts & skills they have.
Some have to start from "Exercise 1"
Personally I feel I am not to well educated to advise anybody on the Aura subject as my using Aura sensing skills have been eclectic & erratic at same time.
I am able to sense people with powerful auras online, in person or photographs. Also read aura fractures & changes when in person or in some cases photographs.
Years back I did practice Aura sensing. I used techniques very different from what Tom has mentioned. The first color I saw was a blue perimeter around people(not a halo exactly). As I practiced I could get more info.
Experience tells me that if you don't practice the techniques whatever school of technique you come from, most likely you will loose the ability to sense Aura. Very different from Reiki healing modalities, where only the energy intensities varies as practice. But in Aura sensing you just loose it completely & have to start from near the beginning.
I feel Kim you already do have the ability to sense aura. Otherwise you would not have perceived those colors.
You need a good teacher just to build on that.
Keep on working on your other energy exchange techniques you know, chances are you will be able identify & isolate the info you get from these colors. Recent attunements have cleared blocks & hence may be this new found ability.
Advise you not to focus on any single Chakra. Work equally on all of them. Better to circulate the energy & be well grounded most of the time.
By the way has any member tried pushing somebodies aura. It does work on some people. They really get pushed. Whether its ethical I don't really know but have tried it.
Thank you Tom & Kim for sharing.
God bless
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by Kymeth »

I want to thank you both, Tom and Stephen, for taking much time to explain this all to me. A few years back I was sitting in a class to learn how to develop psychic abilities. We would meet each Saturday for about 3 hours to practice skills and meditate. It was my second class and we were in a circle, as I put my notebook down to meditate I looked across the room and saw another pupil and she had an orange hue over her head. I didn't have a clue as to what is was so I blurted out before we meditated if anyone else saw that. The teacher chuckled and said that was her aura and asked if I had experienced that before and I had not. There was no mention on the how's or why's that happened - or even what it meant to me or the other pupil. We just went into our class meditation. However, the pupil did mention to the teacher after class while we were leaving that someone else had told her the same thing a day earlier. So I knew then that whatever it was I was seeing, was true. The teacher that was conducting that class has since moved out the state I live in and I've not been able to find anyone like her, even though I found that there was no focus in her class (another pupil felt the same), but none the less I had experiences that made my mind and heart expand and these experiences will always be with me.

I will heed your advice Tom and do the exercises as you have suggested. I will post here as to the progress I make, if interested. I surely would never want to lose such a precious gift as energy reading. :)

I want you both to know that the conversation here has been the most I have learned about the subject, and I am deeply grateful to each of you for your help and expertise. I have experienced many things in my life, most would think odd, but none the less I know this is the path I need to follow. I never knew that Reiki was tied to actual aura development - but it makes sense since it unblocks, stimulates and balances the chakras.

Many blessings to both of you.

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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by pradeep_shaktawat »

Great discussion :yS
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by KARTIK »

full oh knowledge :F0
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by landy »

This is such an interesting subject! There is always so much to learn and not enough time to do it! I'm always ready to learn anything about reiki, you can never know too much.

Thank you all,

Love and light

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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by lighthope »

i assent with landy
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by monicaagrawal »

Aura reading is also depends on prson to person i experienced that with practice u can build up and see aura some people have natural ability to see that they dont need to work hard on that and some people have so strong auras that u naturally see colours around them..

when i started reiki i find initially difficulty in seeing auras but naturally it is developing as more and more i m practicing
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by jack »

i can see auras a little. what i usually see is more transparent clear sometimes with a faint hue of color but usually clear. i have only been seeing auras for a little while
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Re: Recent Reiki Experience(Aura)

Post by Huurah »

Oh I would love to be able to see Auras :)

Great information, thank you all for sharing.

You probably have found the information by now as I can see that this is a very old thread but I thought I would let you know that I recently saw a youtube video about pushing people's Auras, the lady claimed that she was told about it by her friend and they practiced it with each other (after giving each other permission), she told of how her friend had her stuck to the wall with this technique. I was amazed by it. I am not sure if I am permitted to put the link here so I won't but if you would like it I am more than happy to find it for you.
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