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Request for Kundalini Attunement

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 10:39 am
by starsky
Attunement Request Format

Name: Kiang Kian San
Age (approximately) : 48
Gender: Male
Location: Singapore
(e.g. City & Country)

Have you introduced yourself at the forum? Yes

Have you completed requisite study for the attunement?


(study the manuals thoroughly)

Attunement Style and level:

Kundalini Reiki I

(Kindly Submit only one request at
a time go step by step, after attuning
to level 1 request for level 2).

Why are you interested in attunements?

I wish to heal myself of chronic bodily aches and pains(about 30 years), of which I have found no remedy from traditional & non-traditional medicine, and also from other energy healing method, except Usui Reiki I. I believe Kundalini Reiki can heal me. Also, I wish to be able to heal some of the problems( whether mental/emotional/physical/etc) of my family members, and any other persons who wish to be healed. Further, I hope to advance and evolve spiritually, through the practice of Kundalini Reiki.

(These energy system comes from Divine Source.
It deserves highest respect and honor. Your answer
helps us to know how serious you are about the

Additional information:

I have recently been attuned to Usui Reiki I, and have been practicing self- healing using U. Reiki for about 2 weeks now. Recently, after a night of insomnia, I had applied Reiki to myself and found that my tiredness and aches had disappeared, and I felt fresh and rejunervated. I also felt more positive than before starting self-healing using Usui Reiki. I discovered that Kundalini Reiki I is equivalent to U.Reiki 1, 2 and 3, and it is also easier to apply healing using K.Reiki, hence my very keen enthusiasm to get my hands on K. Reiki.

(Comments-If you have already attuned to any Reiki modality, kindly write down your experience with this energy)

You will have to send distant healing to Holistic Light Sphere and at least two Healing Request at THC and feedback them regularly. if, ok then only submit the post.

I will be very happy to send distant healing to above and to whoever request it.

Re: Request for Kundalini Attunement

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:52 am
by pradeep_shaktawat
Dear Kiang, please wait for post "Enroll For Kundalini Reiki Attunment" by MOHAN ji.

Re: Request for Kundalini Attunement

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:02 pm
by starsky
Hi Pradeep,

Thanks. Will look out for it. :)